which the morning stars began

Tag Archives: illustration friday

There have been some major changes in the Corpus household in the last month.  We’ve gone from being the Corpus 4 to the Corpus 5!  With the addition of a baby in home, I have less time and creative energy for drawing and painting.  But I’d like to get back on track with my illustration a week challenge.  (I’ve forgiven myself and moved on for the fact the fact that I’ve missed like 6 weeks)


So to jump start the creative juices, I scrolled through the Illustration Friday “Sweet” Illustrations and picked 10 that really jumped out at me.


Yuliia Bahniuk.  I love the watermelon.  My hometown has a watermelon festival every year at the end of June.  I have watermelon on the mind.  I need to learn from her on shading.  Her illustrations are so sweet.


Patrick Girouard  I don’t blame the boy.  I want a donut that size too!  I like that Patrick’s profile information says “None of your beeswax”.  tee hee


Maria Levezzi  Oh.  I do love her style.  I like how the chairs have fat bodies and little legs.  The view of the trees is delightful. 🙂


Shelini Vadivelu  The roundness of the mouses belly!  just love.  I really like the lines on the mouse.

Kerry Drumm has such an interesting style.  Very diverse subjects and just so amazing.  I could learn a lot from studying her work.

Nancy Bajer  I want to grow some cupcakes!!  beautiful.


Marlene Martins  Very clever!!

Very cheri   Really like this one!

MamaZombie.  This is so fun.

James Taylor  is simply amazing.  way outta my league.  I look on with awe.




So last week I was a bit slow.  I did the sketch but didn’t get around to coloring it until today.  I was sick and had a flat tire and lost my dog and it was after he ate my homework and …  you get the picture.


Did you know that lady bugs lay eggs?

copyright Kristine Corpus

copyright Kristine Corpus



Posting pictures I’m not thrilled with but that is okay.  still keeping up with the challenge.


very quick sketch. colored with photoshop.

eh. s’alright.

learning a bit more with photoshop.  drew a quick sketch on lunch break, scanned and colored with ps.

so much fun with this one!